Surface weather station monthly mean temperatures estimated to differ from 1961-1990 station monthly mean by at least 10 C This file (and others) may be updated from time to time. Last updated September 3, 2005 Using simplifying assumptions to deal with the gaps, and conflicts, in GHCN "raw" mean monthly temperature data from January 1800 until mid 2005, the program bd.for estimated 1,809 monthly anomalies of 10 C (18 F) or more. 1451 ranged from -10 C through -21.147 C, and 358 ranged from 10 C through 19.47 C, in data from 568 stations in 34 "countries" (GHCN lists, for example, Antarctica as a country), none of the stations being within 28 degrees latitude of the equator. Over half, 938 instances, occurred among 358 USA stations including 106 at 16 stations in Alaska. About half of the remainder, 436 instances, occurred in 50 stations in what GHCN calls the Russian Federation Asian sector. Only six Southern Hemisphere stations made the cut with a total of 12 instances. (Of the 7280 GHCN stations, 1079 are in the Southern Hemisphere.) The monthly distribution of the 1,809 instances is: Jan 617 Feb 607 Mar 118 Apr 20 May 3 Jun 6 Jul 8 Aug 2 Sep 2 Oct 2 Nov 117 Dec 307. Various distributions may be skewed by the relatively large number of weather stations in the "lower 48" states of the USA that are included in GHCN. As an indication of conflicting information in historical temperature data, a tabulation of 2,005 conflicting monthly means which differ by 4 C or more is in the file multidat.ge4. Files: readme.txt this file bigdif.out List of large monthly anomalies (see below for format) GHCN station data for stations in bigdif.out GHCN country codes for stations in bigdif.out (except 701) bigdif.loc combination of bigdif.out,, and stations.ll Like but preceded with counts per station, and sorted loosely by latitude and longitude bd.for fortran program that did the calcs (see caveats below) (updated 8/17/2005) **** bd.for was missing the last year of each station data. corrected 8/17 PKZIP compressed copy of input file: GHCN "raw" monthly mean temps sorted by station and date multidat.ge4 List of conflicting monthly means in GHCN "raw" means file md.for fortran program that produced multidat.ge4 (updated 9/3/2005) **** md.for was missing numbers such as 3.9999. corrected 8/18 **** added counts of means, and counts of different means, for each month/"station" 9/3 Format of bigdif.out: Station Year Mo Num> 19611990 ThisObs Difference Obs Mon Mean Station GHCN station number Year Year Mo Month Num> Number of months of data for calculating 1961-1990 mean Obs 19611990 Calculated 1961-1990 mean for that calendar month MonMean at that station ThisObs Mean temperature calculated to differ from 1961-1990 monthly mean by at least 10 C Difference Calculated difference from 1961-1990 monthly mean Caveats: Over a period of years, a "station" may have been in different places, in other words, may have been several stations. GHCN temperature files have many gaps among the data, and also often have multiple "observations" for the same month/station. For comparisons of monthly observations with a 30 year monthly mean, the most critical gaps are those in the years used to calculate that 30 year mean, 1961-1990 in this case. Of the 1,809 instances reported, 341 are based on "30 year" monthly means for which there are fewer than 30 years of data for that calendar month during the years 1961-1990. Instead of skipping such instances, the program bd.for reports the number of months on which the "30 year" monthly means was based. On the other hand, if the data for a station begin after 1961, or end before 1990, the program skips that station. Another problem is how to deal with conflicting data, i.e. multiple "observations" for the same station/month. The program bd.for simply averages them. The input file is sorted slightly differently than the original GHCN "raw" monthly mean file. The original file is sorted so that multiple observations for each station are treated as successive series. In order to facilitate averaging of multiple observations, the input to the program is sorted in strictly station, date sequence. The input file is a sorted copy of at: or v2.mean.Z at: Considering the problems of the input data, and the simpifying assumptions of the program bd.for, the output should be regarded as rather loose estimates. Jerry Brennan August 16, 2005